Why cybersecurity should be top of your business agenda

News of a cyberattack is never far from the front pages of the press.

When considering the increasingly critical topic of cybersecurity, it’s essential to take the advice of IT experts and the advice they can offer on individual business requirements. While generic security measures are incorporated into the solutions and services created to meet the demands of today’s workplace and evolving threat landscape, and may be sufficient to meet basic requirements, taking a layered approach and implementing additional security measures may just keep your business safe and sound.

But, as no two businesses are the same, security measures appropriate for each business will indeed be as individual as the business itself. As the NCSC advises, “good cyber security is whatever protects the things you care about. This means that, whilst there is some good practice that applies in most situations, 'good' cyber security for one organisation may not be good for another. Good cyber security has to work for you; it has to be appropriate to your systems, your processes, your staff, your culture and, critically, has to be appropriate for the level of risk you are willing to accept.”

In support of this, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) feels that ‘boardroom’ engagement is so vital, they’ve created the NCSC’s Board Toolkit - to help board members ‘get a little more technical’, and explore a range of cyber security topics and issues.  

Services and applications to prevent attacks are increasing in sophistication, and there’s growing recognition that responsibility for identifying and implementing appropriate cyber security measures starts at the top – with a business’ senior executives, directors and boardroom members.

But of course, while cyber criminals are growing ever more resourceful, so too are the solutions to fight back.

Online newspaper, The Leader, recently warned of an expected ‘sky-rocket’ in cyberattacks, and UK ISP (Internet Service Provider) Beaming reported that UK companies on average dealt with 66 attacks per hour in 2019.

Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly more resourceful, discovering and exploiting new threat avenues in the developing age of digital business transformation.

Find out how ACS can improve your businesses cyber security.